Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Dragon Knight - Davion Knight

Dragon Knight
Knight Davion

Abandoned and forsaken as a child, the Half-bred Dragon Davion sought refuge from the evils of the world, and from the uncontrollable power growing within himself. His search led him to the doorstep of a mighty Druid, who taught him to tap into the massive energies that lay concealed in his blood - a tribute to his ancient Draconian heritage. A master swordsman, Davion smites his foes in his raging frenzy - transforming at will into an Elder Dragon of destructive fiery rage to crush all those that threaten to vanquish his new home.

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Sejarah DotA

Kalau kita bermain DotA tidak lengkap, kalau kita tidak mengetahui asal usul item dan heroes DotA berikut adalah beberapa asal usul dari Itemdan Heroes di game DotA

Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Beberapa Manfaat Game (multi genre) Bagi Kesehatan

       Mungkin beberapa orang berpendapat bahwan bermain game itu menyesatkan atau mennyiakan-nyiakan waktu sbenarnya itu tak benar, bermain game juga dapat memberikan manfaat terhadap kejiwaan dan kesehatan kita berikut manfaat game bagi kesehatan.

Jumat, 23 November 2012

DotA Heroes Counters (A - H)

In hero picking, I often pick heroes that would counter the opponent's heroes.  I don't pick heroes just because they are strong.  Having a line up that counters the opponent's main bread and butter won 90% of the time than just picking 'imbalanced heroes'.These are lists of some Counters for almost all Dota heroes. I wont say that these counters are the best. These are only suggestions on how you can counter heroes that you find hard to defeat. I'll be focusing on the heroes' skill disadvantage. Items, like BKB, linken, manta, etc, wont be considered. I will consider only some items that the heroes are really dependent upon like blink dagger for Earthshaker. But, the rest are heroes without defending items. These heroes are arranged alphabetically.


DotA Heroes Counters (J - Z)

In hero picking, I often pick heroes that would counter the opponent's heroes. I don't pick heroes just because they are strong. Having a line up that counters the opponent's main bread and butter won 90% of the time than just picking 'imbalanced heroes'.These are lists of some Counters for almost all Dota heroes. I wont say that these counters are the best. These are only suggestions on how you can counter heroes that you find hard to defeat. I'll be focusing on the heroes' skill disadvantage. Items, like BKB, linken, manta, etc, wont be considered. I will consider only some items that the heroes are really dependent upon like blink dagger for Earthshaker. But, the rest are heroes without defending items. These heroes are arranged alphabetically.

DotA Top 10 Fastest Pusher Heroes

One of the most important thing in DotA is Pushing Towers. Without this winning is not possible.  There are DotA Push Strategy which includes healer and summoner DotA heroes.  We also need a AOE spells to get rid of enemy creeps distracting our allied creeps.  A lot of heroes have the ability to push towers quickly but which are the fastest.  This will show you the top 10 fastest pusher heroes in DotA.  Before I give you the ranking, there are limitations in this ranking.  The heroes will all be level 16 having all skills maxed, heroes wont have any items, there are no enemy creep distracting allied creeps, cooldown of skills are considered and there are no defending enemy hero.

Kamis, 22 November 2012

Tempat Wisata Di Germany

Tempat Wisata Di Germany

Bagi mereka yang tinggal di Jerman, banyak sekali tujuan wisata yang bisa dikunjungi. Mereka mereka yang tak berencana ke luar negeri ini selama musim panas, bisa mengunjungi salah satu dari tempat-tempat ini.