Jumat, 23 November 2012

DotA Top 10 Fastest Pusher Heroes

One of the most important thing in DotA is Pushing Towers. Without this winning is not possible.  There are DotA Push Strategy which includes healer and summoner DotA heroes.  We also need a AOE spells to get rid of enemy creeps distracting our allied creeps.  A lot of heroes have the ability to push towers quickly but which are the fastest.  This will show you the top 10 fastest pusher heroes in DotA.  Before I give you the ranking, there are limitations in this ranking.  The heroes will all be level 16 having all skills maxed, heroes wont have any items, there are no enemy creep distracting allied creeps, cooldown of skills are considered and there are no defending enemy hero.

Now, I'll give you the fastest pusher heroes in DotA.

Top 10
Goblin Techies - Squee and Spleen (39 seconds)

The spell with the highest instant damage in DotA is the land mine by Techies.  It has 600 damage at level 4 on creeps and heroes; 300 damage on towers.  First towers have 1300hp.  Techies can destroy a tower with four land mines and 2 or 3 hits by him or allied creeps.  Without spell cool down he would be considered the fastest pusher, who can destroy a tower in 8 seconds.  Now, considering the cool down of the land mine which is 12 seconds, Techies can push a tower in 39 seconds considering that he and the allied creeps are hitting the tower every cool down time of land mines.

Top 9
Prophet - Furion (32 seconds)

Furion, using his skill - force of nature, is considered to be the top 9 fastest tower destroyer in DotA.  He has a high base damage but his summons only have 21-23 damage.  He can summon 5 trents that will give around 100 damage per attack on towers.  In real games, he would be a great pusher having his other skills teleportation and wrath of nature.

Top 8
Black Arachnia - Broodmother (25 secs)

Broodmother can summon 4 Spiderlings by using his first skill - Spawn Spiderlings.  Pushing with only 4 spiderlings doesn't make broodmother a fast pusher hero.  The best way is to summon another set of spiderlings making it 8.  Pushing with 8 spiderlings can destroy a tower in 15 seconds.  But considering the cooldown(10 seconds) of the skill to be able to summon 2 sets of spiderlings, makes it 25 seconds.

Top 7
Oblivion - Pugna (22 seconds)

This is one of the feared pusher in the game - Pugna. Aside from his excellent pushing ability, he also has great abilities for team fights and survival, that is why he is often banned.  Considering the cool down of Nether Blast which is 5.5.  He can destroy a tower with 4 blasts and hitting the tower while waiting for another blast.  The 4th blast would be the finishing blast making him destroy the tower in 22 seconds.

Top 6
Enigma - Darchrow (18 seconds)

Enigma, using his Demonic Conversion skill, can summon 3 Eilodons.  These 3 Eilodons with Enigma and Creeps can destroy a tower in 20 seconds, but using an alternative and make these Eilodons hit enemy creeps first making it 6 Eilodons have better result.  Using them to make 6 hits on creeps takes 8 seconds.  Now, having 6 Eilodons, Enigma and creeps can destroy a tower in 10 seconds.  Considering the time to have 6 Eilodons gives Enigma a total of 18 seconds to destroy a tower.

Top 5
Pandaren Brewmaster - Mangix (17 secs)

Mangix, level 16 without aganims, is a great pusher.  3 Mighty pandas with creeps destroys a tower in 17 seconds.

Top 4
Lycanthrope - Banehallow (14 seconds)

Almost all of the skills of Banehallow contribute to pushing.  He has dogs that have piercing damage on towers, howl that adds damage, feral impulse adds damage and attack speed, and phase shift gives him attack speed increase.  Using all of this skills in pushing a tower destroys the tower in around 14 seconds.

Top 3
Tormented Soul - Leshrac (12 seconds)

Leshrac's Diabolic Edict is a skill that makes 32 explosions with 50 damage each explosion having a total of 1600.  Leshrac's Diabolic, with creeps make the tower burning in 8 seconds.  At this point, the Diabolic will be turned off.  It'll take extra 4 seconds to destroy the tower completely having a total of 12 seconds.

Top 2 
Shadow Shaman - Rhasta  (10 seconds)

The Ultimate Skill of Rhasta is the top 2 tower destroyer.  Even without Aganims, these deadly wards, along with rhasta and creeps hitting the tower, destroys a tower in 10 seconds.

Top 1
Death Prophet - Krobelus (9 seconds)

The Ghosts summoned by Krobelus is the Best Tower Destroyer making Krobelus the fastest pusher with these limitations.  In games, she is still considered a great pusher because of her AOE nuke - Carrion Swarm.  Exorcism, improved by witchcraft,  focused on a tower totally destroys a tower in 9 seconds.

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